Awakening the healer in me

My longing for freedom, love, and personal development led me to explore psychology and spiritual issues already as a teenager. I dedicated my life to understanding the complexity of being human and life through psychology, often venturing into what was uncommon or forbidden. This was because a deeply wounded and shy yet resilient part of me refused to accept that life simply happens to us.

Over time, I noticed certain conflicts and issues repeating in myself and my life, particularly in my personal relationships. I often found myself torn between conflicting feelings and thoughts, trapped in certain behavioral and reaction patterns. I realized I was driven by fear or the avoidance of potential pain or discomfort, rather than authentically expressing my needs and desires.

I began delving deeper into how inner change, transformation, and liberation can truly occur within us. I learned the importance of confronting repressed feelings and unacknowledged aspects of ourselves. And truthfully, to this day, I continue to uncover new aspects of myself, bringing forth new resources into my consciousness. Our inner potentials are infinite, allowing us to continue learning until our last breath.

Having lived in the vibrant city of Berlin for almost 20 years, I gained insights into the connections between thoughts, feelings, and energies in the psyche, soul, body, and spirit through my own self-exploration and interactions with others.

On my conscious soul journey for nearly 24 years now, I have acquired diverse methods of holistic healing and learned invaluable lessons about essential practices and common pitfalls. My personal healing journey forms the bedrock of my healing work, enabling me to accompany you with empathy and competence.

For over 8 years, I have professionally supported others on their soul journeys, fulfilling one of my greatest passions and realizing a long-held dream. While I had a practice in Berlin from 2016 to 2020, I have since undergone significant shifts and now work international and remotely.

Shamanism – my source of strength and my home

But even though I have always been very curious and independent, which led me to forge my own path early on, to think differently, and to take unconventional routes. For a long time, however, I was deeply afraid to truly open myself up and accept love. I found it difficult to assert a firm YES or NO, often resorting to numbing myself or fleeing from various situations in my life – even from those I cared about deeply.

When I eventually found my way to the shamanic path, I discovered a deeper level of healing and reconnection.

The spirits ensured that I followed this path wholeheartedly. Along this journey, I transformed self-destructive patterns such as substance abuse, eating disorders, self-hatred, and subtle forms of dissociation. Embracing shamanism’s essence strengthened me from within, empowering me to pursue what I truly love.

To effect real change, I had to acknowledge my inherited transgenerational trauma with love and compassion. It was necessary to energetically clear it from my system and disentangle it from my own feelings and emotions. Shamanism also taught me how to tap into ancestral power and reconnect deeply with my roots, forming the foundation of my life.

Another aspect of healing involved addressing developmental trauma from my childhood – a shaman refers to this as a lost and fragmented part of the soul that requires reconnection. I have learned how to retrieve a fragmented soul part both as a shaman and as a human. However, it’s important to note that while classic soul retrieval is effective for shock trauma or smaller soul parts and emotional clusters, patterns learned over years and decades require more time to address. While energetic shifts are profound, they still need to permeate through your body, nervous system, and daily life.

Karmic blockages and unresolved traumas on my earthly soul path also played a significant role, particularly in healing traumas related to being a healer and fulfilling my soul’s purpose.

Today, I can confidently say that shamanism has brought me home, especially as I delved into healing methods rooted in the Inca tradition. This healing work has initiated a profound transformation within me unlike any other.

Furthermore, I’ve found that my psychological perspectives harmonize beautifully with the shamanic path, synergizing in a powerful way. I now feel connected to the healing knowledge and wisdom of our European ancestors as well. I am deeply grateful that the Inca tradition facilitated my return to my own roots.

My greatest rebirth

Four years ago in 2020, around the time of the lockdown, I experienced a re-traumatization of a violent childhood sexual abuse that suddenly resurfaced. It plunged me into a state of panic and social phobia, causing my entire life to unravel. Without my shamanic and emotional skills and experience, I might have found myself in a psychiatric hospital. However, I didn’t. Instead, it compelled me to overhaul my entire life from its very foundation.

I’ve had to make numerous difficult and profound decisions, embracing both resounding affirmatives and firm negatives. I made the choice to leave Germany over three years ago. This decision also entailed stepping away from my social role as a mother, allowing my son to primarily grow up with his father, from whom I was already separated. It was a monumental decision, one with feelings of guilt and shame that I had to confront and navigate. The fear of abandonment and judgment loomed large, yet deep down, I knew it was the right path for me, for us. 

Despite the challenges, we have all cultivated a strong relationship today, even though our interactions are less frequent. I still believe it was the best decision for me. Thus, I understand firsthand what it means to step out of societal or self-imposed expectations and truly follow one’s inner guidance.

Now, I reside with my partner and soul mate, who stood by me through those tumultuous times, in picturesque nature houses across Europe. I didn’t shy away from him; instead, I learned to speak my truth and open my heart to allow him in.

In recent years, I’ve experienced profound healing on levels I hadn’t reached before, but I was prepared for it. My most significant lesson was to cease pushing myself and instead find my own rhythm, connecting deeply with my feminine energy beyond societal norms and conventions.

Lately, I’ve delved into exploring my singing voice and all aspects of expression – emotionally, physically, somatically, and on a soul level. During this time, I’ve learned to listen more intently to my nervous system and body, which has also influenced my approach to healing.

I continue to grow and learn, as I always will.

I am filled with joy and dedication to accompany you on your soul journey, sharing my heart, shamanic power, and wisdom with you.

My main educations:


  • Schamanisch- geistigen Heilen in Inka Tradition der Q`eros Peru) at Edith Mertensmeier in Bad Pyrmont (2016 – 2018) 
  • Core Schamanismus Basic Education at Foundation for Shamanic Studies Europe (2007)
  • Educational seminars with different shamanic teachers – Mohan Rai -Nepal, Katharina Meffert- Sidhera Berlin, Don Alberto & Richard Aguayo – Peru  (2012- 2015) 
  • Despacho Seminar with Don Sebastian, Don Basilio und Julian Sasari ( 2017) 
  • Rite of the womb & Nustas Karpay Initiations with Annette Assmy (2017) 
  • Munay Ki Rites with Edith Mertensmeier (2018)
  • The source of her voice- shamanic soul singing journey ( 01-09/2023 at Tuulia Rosenbröjer) 

Psychology & Constellation work:

  • Systemic Constelllation at Dr. Annegrit Kahle, Praxis für kreative Psychologie (2013) 
  • Systemic Constelllation education at Catarina Skirecki, die Aufstellerschule Berlin (02/2015- 11/2016) 
  • Psychologial Consulting & Coach at Hanne Edling (2016) 
  • Bonding, Trauma work & Soul Retrival at Dr. Annegrit Kahle (2016) 

Voice work

  • Healing Voice Seminar at Carien Wijnen (2018)
  • Singing lessons with Juliane Richter 2019/2020 
  • Shamanic singing lessons since 2023 at Tuulia Rosenbröjer
  • Jill Purce Online Healing Voice Workshop-Liberation Thro’ the Ecstasy of Chant (10/2023) Overtone Chanting
  • Sound & Soma Cordelia Zafiropulo – somatic voice exploration and evelopment (since 10/2023 )