The Call of the Sacred Wise Women

Channeling of their whispers


Every soul that incarnates on earth comes with learning tasks that span many incarnations and with cosmic assignments to work with its light in the world.

We fulfill some of the assignments or destinies in soul groups that work together towards a common goal. This also applies to the sacred wise women. They have come together as an energetic group (not all of them are incarnated on earth) to bring the female energies into balance. They have enormous healing knowledge and the gift of connecting deeply with the earth without disregarding the cosmos and the divine principle. A deep power of regeneration is transmitted through them. They connect the dead with the living and know the gates that must be passed through in order to be reborn.

I have been working with the holy women in healing sessions for a long time. They nurture and care for split-off parts of the soul with light and herbal essences aand their unconditional love. So wounded parts of the soul can integrate more easily.

In my healing sessions, they come to some clients who belong to them to remind them of their task.

They come when I walk through the woods and deepen my connection to nature.

During my menstruation they gave me an even deeper insight. And they left me this channeling for all other sacred wise women today among us to remember.

The channeling

It was once the wise women who met in the deepest forests and on the highest mountains. To unite in the great circle of sisterhood that serves the prosperity of nature and all life.

They cultivated an intensive communication with the plants, animals and trees and knew how everything and everyone was and acted when balance needed to be restored. In love with the moon, the sun and the stars they felt very close to them when they were at the peak of their strength in life.

The women loved and cared for each other, so their power and influence was almost magical. They could move mountains with their love and will, make rivers flow and transform barren land into an oasis of joy. They nurtured their sisterly bond with great devotion and trust in and for each other. Their hearts laughed and cried together and honored every feeling.

At full moon they would meet in places of power all over the world. To celebrate life, exchange ideas and reconnect again and again. None would be the same when they met again. As each woman was connected to the growth and change through life itself, from which they drew their strength and wisdom.

Each of them had very special abilities. Each had their purpose to take care for certain beings and their well-being. By being together, they could recharge themselves, strengthen each other and reflect their creative power and beauty in order to recognize themselves more deeply.

The times when the women met became fewer and fewer. Because with Christianization it became difficult to lead this kind of life without being persecuted, condemned and killed.

Loosing connection

Their bonds became weaker and almost threatened to break. Trust turned into fear and mistrust, courage and determination, hiding and self-doubt, connection into disorientation, and power flowed into destruction and dark paths.

So the remaining women met once again in the woods and decided to bury the wisdom, magic and power they carried deep in the earth and hand them over to the care of Mother Earth’s womb. Each one let her light and that of her ancestors sink into the earth, sealed with an individual symbol. There it would remain until a time would dawn when the natural connection with life and feminine power would once rise again on earth. And in the consciousness of mankind.

With their physical death, most wise women forgot what had happened. The wise souls spent many lives wandering around unconscious of their powers or vague premonitions. They had lost something important and felt sad and empty. Over time, the hole filled up with various influences, teachings and beliefs that did not correspond to their true nature. The darkness of their unconsciousness kept their treasures hidden.

But where had her light, her wisdom, her power gone?

Deep in the earth, it was captured in the womb of Gaia, by the wisdom guardians and priestesses who had been living under the earth for a long time. They kept everything in the highest love and care until the wise women on earth would be ready to let their light and true being shine again. They would free themselves from all illusions and conditioning in order to courageously dive into the deepest levels and layers of their being. And find access to themselves again. They would cleanse their womb of pain, suffering and superimpositions. In order to find the door to the womb of the earth, in which their light power, an important part of their being, lay hidden and protected.

The guardians are waiting for the return of all wise women until today. They sense when the woman’s soul is ready. She will allow herself to reclaim her sacred space with full consciousness. Layer by layer. She will make contact with her womb spirit and learn to nurture it. Once the connection is made, the spirit of the womb will sink deep into the earth, especially during menstruation. It will take the woman on a journey to herself and the source of her feminine power.

She will lead them into the sacred spaces to the wisdom guardians of the earth and all other womb spirits who have also found their way. There they will rest, heal and recharge together. In the night they will sing together the ancient songs that connect everything in love and heal all wounds and separations, especially those to the masculine force. They will weave the new world from dreams and visions. They will distribute the tasks to strengthen the web of light, connectedness and unity.

Their psychic abilities and hidden knowledge will be activated. Their light will begin to shine, more powerfully than ever before. United within themselves and with the oldest parts of their earth soul, with awareness in their womb and heart, they will set out to find the other sisters to heal and create with them. A wise woman will love deeply and live a sacred sexuality. She will joyfully and powerfully teach the connection with life, simply by being. Living her magic without manipulation. She will be fulfilled and content. Deeply connected to heaven and earth at the same time.

Are you one of them?

So if you feel the spirit of the wise women within you, follow the call of your soul, your womb and your heart! And if you haven’t already done so, cleanse and clear your womb space. Bring life and light into your pelvis, allow yourself to feel into the deepest layers. Take time out when you have your period. No plans, no appointments. Go into nature and listen to the spirit of your birth mother. Follow her when she wants to sink into the earth. Let yourself sink into the womb of the earth to remember the ancient sisterhood and feminine primal power. Let go of everything with each bleeding that is still holding you back from shining your light into the world and reconnecting deeply. With life. The cosmos. With your power. It is time. We are waiting. We are many.


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